Indonesia Institute of Technology (ITI) Muncul Serpong

Founded in 1983 Indonesia Institute of Technology (ITI) including pioneer advanced education (university) in Serpong, South Tangerang. Institute was established by the initiative of Indonesia Technology Development Foundation (YPTI) led by Prof. Ing. B.J. Habibie as Chairman of the Board of Trustees and the Minister of Research and Technology YPTI at that time, on the basis of the idea of ​​Indonesian Engineers Association (PII) PII Palembang in Congress in 1983 to increase power engineer in Indonesia.

Indonesia Institute of Technology established its inception through Decree No. Foundation. 01/Kept-YPTI/84 Date June 2, 1984 and has commenced its lecture dated 01 October 1984.

And respond to changes in its development and the desire to exist, then in 2006 the strengthening of management through appropriate reforms Organizational Structure Foundation notarial act signed by Faisal Abu Yusuf SH No. 11 dated December 14, 2006.

At this time YPTI led by prof. Dr. Ing. B.J. Habibie as the Chairman of the Trustees and Ir. Abu Rizal Bakrie as Administrator.

ITI is fully committed to improve the quality of education the sons and daughters of the nation, especially in the field of technology.

Campus positions away from the hustle bustle of the city, making the campus is comfortable and conducive to learning. surroundings are beautiful and there are many green trees add to the atmosphere more conducive to teaching and learning both on campus and at home.

To transport this campus through public transport from around 24 hours.

Location :
Jl. Raya Puspiptek
Serpong, Tangerang Selatan
Banten 15320
Telepon / Fax: 021 7561102

ITI on google map

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